Title: Designing and Developing an Organizational Risk Play Book
led by Jeanette Wayne, CIO Executive
Note: We apologize for any lack of clarity. We had a packed room so recording was a little difficult. Due to the powerful conversation, we chose to publish rather than not. Enjoy!
Organizational decisions can have uncertain outcomes and anything that produces Enterprise
uncertainty has a direct impact on the continued Enterprise’s relevance and viability. An
Organizational Risk Playbook is needed for every Enterprise with some of the following few
Cybersecurity Risk: Connection to the internet. Third-Party Operational Risk: Trusting others outside the company for operational excellence and more; Regulation and Compliance Risk: Meeting all the governmental requirements with higher standards than asked; Reputational Risk: Keeping high metric measurements on customer interaction and engagements. Supply Chain Risk: Meeting both customer delivery demands and an efficient inventory flow; Product Launch Risk: Success is measured through each phase with detailed processes. Disaster Recovery Risk: Multiple suppliersalong with possible relocation facilities.
What is your Organizational Risk Playbook? Did you have an Organizational Risk Playbook prior to the Pandemic? How has it changed? How often do you review it? Who are the key Stakeholders assigned responsible for the decisions? How confident are you in your Organizational Risk Playbook now that it has been dramatically tested?
Come join this vibrant and interactive discussion with top industry leaders.